Wednesday, 31 May 2017

4 KEYS for MEN to be BETTER in your relationship

To you men, my brothers out there and those who want more in your relationships or are just curious on how you can become better in your relationships. I wanted to share 4 keys for men to become better in your relationships. This topic is something that I have dived deep into over the last few years and I’m passionate about because I learned through some pain that relationships are where we have the most meaning in our lives. It's because we share more emotion with our intimate partners and our spouses than with anybody else and when we get this area right, everything is easy, everything's better in life and when we get it wrong it's very, very painful. So, I wanted to share with you four keys that you can take into your relationship or marriage - or even if you aren't in a relationship or marriage; for your next one, this is really going to help. THE FIRST ONE, IS BE PATIENT. Now, if you're looking to evolve, if you're looking to become better as a man and be a better partner then obviously, you need to be up skilling yourself. You need to be knowing what the fuck you need to be knowing in your relationship to become a better man; but have patience with that process. Not to think that everything will miraculously turn around in a matter of days, weeks or even months. If you've had some pain there, and if you've had some problems and issues in your relationships... Firstly, I honour you for stepping up and wanting to change it. Secondly, be patient with yourself. Just like any other area, for example if you're doing well financially, it's taken time. If you're doing well in your health and your energy levels, it's taken time. If you're doing well in your business and career, it's taken time. This is no different. The rules still apply here in relationship and marriage... It takes time, and you're going to fuck up, and you're going to screw up. When you do, get back up and be patient with yourself; that is the first key. THE SECOND KEY TO BE BETTER IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS IS TO GET INTO YOUR HEART, NOT YOUR HEAD. Most of us men stay in our heads and think logically; we're thinking logically and we want to fix the problems in our relationships and with our women. However, it's quite the opposite. When it comes to relationships the rules don't apply the same way it does potentially in business or in your health. When you get into your head, you're dead, so you need to get into your heart. You honestly do, and this is one that took me quite a while to get but once I did and the more I got into my heart; the better my relationship got, the better I felt about myself and I became a better person. So, tap into your heart. Stop being such a pussy and over thinking things all the fucking time. Get into your heart and really feel what's going on. Now, this is easier said than done; this is a muscle that's got to be developed over time but that's the place. A good way to think about it is you've got to surrender a bit, not always be so hard, soften a little bit. Step more into your femininity, not be so masculine and hard edged - step more into your heart. So, when you're in your head, you're dead; start with your heart, that's key number two. THE THIRD KEY TO BE BETTER IN RELATIONSHIPS AS A MAN IS TO PRACTICE A.R.P. This is a fucking game changer. If you only did this and just focused on this as a man in your relationships, your relationship or marriage would absolutely transform. A stands for: Give your woman more Attention. Attention; the feminine and women need to feel special, needed and wanted. If you're not consistently giving them attention, you're dead in the water. Now, that is daily attention. So, ask yourselves, "How can I be showing my woman more attention?" The second part of A.R.P, is Reassurance. The feminine needs reassurance and they require it all the time. Reassurance means, rather than framing things up in our mind as we do as masculine men, that if there's a problem, a complaint, they're whinging, they're nagging that they just need reassurance. So, reassure the feminine and your woman more often. And the third, is Presence. Be there. Be present for your woman without the T.V. on, without your phone, without reading something, without looking off into the distance; whatever it is, be there, listen and feel. If you can do that as a man and practice A.R.P... game changer, fucking game changer. The times that I’ve practiced A.R.P. in my relationship, things have been beautiful. The things that I've lost, lost the boat there; I haven't given enough attention, there's little reassurance, and my presence isn't there resulting in problems. THE FOURTH KEY AND WHAT I’M GOING TO FINISH OFF ON HERE IS: BE FUCKING HONEST. I know you're not dishonest if you're reading this, but we can always be more honest. As a strong masculine man, it's your role to be fucking honest. Honest with yourself, and with the woman that you supposedly love more than anything. If you're having problems, or you've had problems or issues, then part of it is you're not being honest to the level that she wants. Now, it's not just about the level that she wants, but it's also about the level that you expect of yourself. If you aren't telling yourself the little things, or the big things, then how the fuck are you going to tell her? So, be honest to yourself as a man, step into your strength, and then communicate that with her. The shit that you don't really want to say, or doesn't mean much, say it. The shit that you've been holding and pushing down, say it. The more that you can step into your courage, grow balls, and be fucking honest; the better your relationship will be. Even though – and I know what you're thinking - that no, she doesn't need to know that or it doesn't mean anything. Wrong strategy. If you want to have a truly extraordinary relationship or marriage, and I’ve learned this, again, through pain, is be more honest and start over communicating. So, I hope this has served you; four keys for men to be better in your relationships. If this has inspired, and if maybe you know a brother out there who could really do with hearing this message, then share it; like this post, much gratitude and I appreciate you reading this far. As always, It's your time to step into your strength and to be the best man you can be. By Tim Neal Source:

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