Wednesday, 18 January 2017

3 (Unexpected) Ways to Wipe Out Your Debt Fast

One of my favorite affirmations is: “I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities on a consistent basis. Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful situation to be in? Well, if you embrace this affirmation—I mean really commit to it—you soon will be! Present-tense thinking has a profound effect on results. When you shift your thinking from “I want” or “I will” to “I am,” the universe shifts right along with you.
There is one catch, however. If you’re burdened by debt, you could have a problem making this affirmation work for you in the way it’s designed to. It isn’t the debt itself that’s the problem; it’s the amount of mental energy you’re most likely expending on it.
No matter how much of it you’re carrying, the need to eliminate debt doesn’t need to be an obstacle to creating wealth. Follow these three simple steps, and you’ll begin doing BOTH things at once, and a whole lot faster than you may have thought you could. I know—because I did it myself.

How to Wipe Out Your Debt Starting Today:

  1. Stop thinking about itNotice I didn’t say stop paying it. Obviously, repaying money you owe should be at the top of your to-do list, and you need do it as quickly as possible. But that doesn’t mean you have to give ANY of your precious mental energy over to the process until it happens. After all, you attract into your life what you think about most of the time. So if you’re constantly worrying about, dwelling on and fretting over the amount of debt you’re carrying—if your debt is all you can see—you can guess what’s going to happen.You may not be able to remove the fact of your debt in one fell swoop, but you can remove it from your line of sight. The best way to do that is to …
  2. Put it on autopilot
    There was a point in my life when I was making about $4000 a year … and was $6000 in debt. Right around that time, I had the magnificent good fortune to discover Think and Grow Rich. I quickly realized that the “mountain” my debt felt like resided entirely in my mind, and that it was consuming the very energy I needed to conquer it. So I set up ways to pay back my creditors what I owed them that didn’t require any of my brainpower. Back then, that wasn’t so easy to do. Today, it’s is an absolute breeze. A few minutes on your bank’s website are all you need to automatize the whole process and forget all about it.Your creditors will be paid on time, your debt will begin shrinking, and you’ll be free to …
  3. Focus on its opposite
    With all that negativity cleared out of your magnificent mind, you’ll find you’ve got a whole lot of fresh space to play with. Now … FILL IT! Use this month’s affirmation as a starting point to build castles of abundance in your imagination. Form your wealth goals as clearly and vividly as you can, attaching them to very specific images. Then install those images in the forefront of your vision, literally, if you can! Surround yourself with actual pictures that represent your goals. Put them in your office, in your car—heck, tape them near your bathroom mirror! Force your mind to see only that which represents “money in increasing quantities on a consistent basis,” and soon you’ll find yourself flooded with ideas and opportunities for getting it.With plenty of additional resources to divert towards your debt reduction, that burden will soon be wiped from your life as well as your mind!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Source:    

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