Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Rohn: This Is How You Leave a Legacy

Jim Rohn shares nine principles necessary for a successful life and a lasting legacy.

Jim Rohn, the philosopher who has left an indelible legacy of time-proven principles and wisdom, shares his secret for making an impact.  
"You know me, I am a philosopher. I love principles. Yes, actions are great and I talk about them regularly, but the important stuff is what lies underneath—the principles," Rohn says.
Here are the principles he says we must commit to in order to leave the legacy we desire:

1. Life is best lived in service to others.

This doesn’t mean that we do not strive for the best for ourselves. It does mean that in all things we serve other people, including our family, co-workers and friends.

2. Consider others’ interests as important as your own.

Much of the world suffers simply because people consider only their own interests. People are looking out for number one, but the way to leave a legacy is to also look out for others.

3. Love your neighbor even if you don’t like him.

It is interesting that Jesus told us to love others. But he never tells us to like them. Liking people has to do with emotions. Loving people has to do with actions. And what you will find is that when you love them and do good by them, you will more often than not begin to like them.

4. Maintain integrity at all costs.

There are very few things you take to the grave with you. The number one thing is your reputation and good name. When people remember you, you want them to think, “She was the most honest person I knew. What integrity.” There are always going to be temptations to cut corners and break your integrity. Do not do it. Do what is right all of the time, no matter what the cost.

5. You must risk in order to gain.

In just about every area of life you must risk in order to gain the reward. In love, you must risk rejection in order to ask that person out for the first time. In investing you must place your capital at risk in the market in order to receive the prize of a growing bank account. When we risk, we gain. And when we gain, we have more to leave for others.

6. You reap what you sow.

In fact, you always reap more than you sow—you plant a seed and reap a bushel. What you give you get. What you put into the ground then grows out of the ground. If you give love you will receive love. If you give time, you will gain time. It is one of the truest laws of the universe. Decide what you want out of life and then begin to sow it.

7. Hard work is never a waste.

No one will say, “It is too bad he was such a good, hard worker.” But if you aren’t they will surely say, “It’s too bad he was so lazy—he could have been so much more!” Hard work will leave a grand legacy. Give it your all on your trip around the earth. You will do a lot of good and leave a terrific legacy.

8. Don’t give up when you fail.

Imagine what legacies would have never existed if someone had given up. How many thriving businesses would have been shut down if they quit at their first failure? Everyone fails. It is a fact of life. But those who succeed are those who do not give up when they fail. They keep going and build a successful life—and a legacy.

9. Don’t ever stop in your pursuit of a legacy.

Many people have accomplished tremendous things later on in life. There is never a time to stop in your pursuit of a legacy. Sometimes older people will say, “I am 65. I’ll never change.” That won’t build a great life! No, there is always time to do more and achieve more, to help more and serve more, to teach more and to learn more. Keep going and growing that legacy!
These are core principles to live by if you want to become the kind of person who leaves a lasting legacy.
Source: http://www.success.com/article/rohn-this-is-how-you-leave-a-legacy?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Post

Sunday, 6 August 2017

5 Millionaire Traits That Will Help You Get to the Top

By Timothy Sykes

Long gone are the days when wealthy and successful individuals held traditional, high-paying, 9-5 jobs. Now, today’s wealthiest people are the self-employed, ambitious, savvy business entrepreneurs willing to take risks.

While millionaires may vary greatly when it comes to their backgrounds and their resumes, they all share a few key traits. If you want to start your own journey to becoming a millionaire, it is a good idea to pick up some of these traits, and make them part of your everyday routine. You may just find yourself on your way to millionaire status faster than you thought.

1. Read non-fiction instead of fiction.

Reading fiction is fun, but if you really want to make the most of your time, one of the best things you can do is become an avid non-fiction reader. Learning about the world is far more useful than entertaining yourself with the latest murder mystery. There are so many fantastic books out there designed to educate readers, and provide them with valuable insights into the world.
Pick up a variety of non-fiction topics -- from financial guidance books, to books on investing, eating right or motivating yourself to reach your goals. There is no end to the different works out there, and each one can help you understand the world better. You become slightly more accomplished and successful with every page you turn. Look for free resources like these how-to guides from Entrepreneur and this how-to guide I wrote.

2. Researching new technologies. 

If you want to be a millionaire, you need to stay ahead of your competition. This means knowing what new technologies are available and understanding the advancements that can help you with all of your professional endeavors. Read all major websites and focus on the news, particularly on the latest technology and medical breakthroughs. You never know when this insight may help you in the future.

3. Understand that learning only about your industry is not enough. 

If you want to be a true expert in your niche -- the type of expert who earns millions of dollars -- then you need to know your industry inside and out. But remember, this alone is not enough.
If you really want to be like today’s most successful millionaires, then you need to look outside your own industry to learn about other markets as well. You must be able to blend information and insights from a variety of industries in order to truly have that edge you need to succeed.

4. Make sure money isn’t your only goal. 

Today’s most profitable individuals are not those who set out on a career just to make money. If you want to make millions, then you need to have goals that are bigger than just making a million dollars. You need to have real passion behind your business if you want to be successful.
You need to create great products and services, and create a business model that will actually help you do good while providing a valuable service to the public. Have passion for what you are doing as you find a way to help others -- and charge money for it.

5. Make time to go the extra mile. 

If there is one thing that all millionaires do in order to earn their fortune, it is working when others aren’t. One of the biggest keys to success is to wake up early or stay up late to work more, study more and do those little extra things that can really make all of the difference between you and your competition. The most successful millionaires today are those who are not afraid to give up their nights and weekends to study and work. 
If you really focus and start to master these traits, you can start training yourself to think and act like a millionaire, putting yourself in the perfect position to finally reach those financial goals you have for yourself. 

Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/276585