Friday, 23 December 2016

8 Things To Remember When Everything Goes Wrong

Sometimes, it just feels like nothing in your world is going right. However, whether you’re suffering from ill health, encountering setbacks in your career or nursing a broken heart, it’s possible to connect with gratitude and transform your attitude.
After all, happiness is not found in the absence of problems but in the ability to deal with problems. Here are 8 things to remember the next time you feel like everything has gone wrong.

1. Pain Helps You Grow

Although pain is challenging, it never comes into your life without a purpose. So often, it’s a sign that you need to move forward in some way—even though it can be very challenging to leave outdated parts of your life behind. In addition, remind yourself that pain isn’t a sign of failure.
On the contrary, most great success stories involve bearing pain along the way. Pain can hurt you and it can change you, but you can find personal growth in both types if you stop resisting them and instead ask what they have to teach you. Everything will come together in the end.

2. Nothing Is Permanent

Just as the rain always stops and darkness follows light, healing always follows hurt. Don’t make the mistake of imagining that your pain will last forever—nothing does, whether it’s good or it’s bad. Every passing moment is a new chance to make the best of your life, and to enact huge changes.
Accepting the impermanence of everything helps you to let go of your own intentions in a way that helps the universe give you what you really need. Plus, just because you’re struggling with a challenge doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to laugh and smile.

3. You Can’t Change Anything By Worrying

It’s easy to obsess over painful events in your life, but you can only find happiness when you turn away from complaining about your problems and move towards being grateful for all the problems you don’t have.
There’s compelling evidence to suggest that the people who spend the most time worrying actually accomplish the least. Instead of doing nothing and fretting about things out of your control, ask what you can control and attempt to do something great with the resources you have.

4. Be Proud Of Your Scars

Your scars can be sources of pride—they’re symbols of your inner strength. When you’re scarred, you know that a wound has closed. In other words, you suffered pain, learning something from it, were resilient enough to recover, and began to move forward.
Don’t let your scars evoke fear, or feel paralyzed that you might gain more scars in the future.  Those who have endured pain are among the strongest people there are, and your scars prove you can handle anything life throws at you.

5. Struggles Are Steps Forward

Developing patience means being able to maintain a positive attitude as you continually work hard to achieve your dreams. To accomplish great things, you’ll have to step out of your comfort zone—and when you step out of your comfort zone, you naturally encounter challenges that can sometimes feel like failures.
These tests of your determination can be helpfully viewed as steps on the road to success, however, and not signs that you’ll never make it to your desired destination.

6. You’re Not Responsible For The Negativity Of Others

Combat negativity with positivity—hold onto your idea of who you want to be, and refuse to be changed by those who are bitter, jealous or trying to use you to work through their own complex issues.
If you’re going to change, do so because you want to be better in some way, and are looking to cultivate a better future. There’s no way to make everyone else happy, so don’t waste your time trying. You only get one chance to live, so spend that time with people who understand reciprocity—people who treat you right, make you smile and build you up.

7. What’s Meant To Be Will Find A Way

Trust in the universe to bring you the right things. No amount of trying to force a certain outcome will make it happen, and doing so will only make you miserable and drive you crazy.
Stop doubting every step you take, and instead allow yourself to enjoy the way your life will unfold. It may not always develop in the way you thought it would, but it will take you to where you need to go.

8. Keep Going At All Costs

Finally, when you catch yourself thinking that everything has gone wrong, don’t be afraid to get right back up and try again. Whether trying again involves daring to dream, trying to find love or starting a whole new career, don’t let your past pain harden your heart.
Although you may have to scramble to get out of your current rut, it can be done—and you will do it! Just know that very often, you have to go through the worst life has to offer in order to eventually arrive at the very best.

7 Wealthy Mentalities of Successful People

There are no substitutes if you want to accomplish your lofty goals.

Everyone wants to be successful. Most want to be wealthy. So why don’t we ever end up getting there? Although most of us face detours to our big dreams, it’s typically not external factors keeping us from achieving our dreams. It’s internal barriers that stop us.
If you want to build wealth and be successful, you first need to have the right mentalities.

1. Goals are golden.

It’s no secret there’s a positive correlation between setting goals and overall productivity—professionals who have a measurable goal to work for are far more productive than those who are just “winging it.” But being goal-oriented and treating goals as “golden” is about more than just setting them in the first place. You have to treat them as a major priority, making heavy sacrifices to achieve them and breaking them down into smaller chunks when necessary. Creating your goals is just the first step of the process—you also need to have the follow-through to make them count.

2. The future is more important than the present.

This concept, from a subjective standpoint, is debatable. You could easily argue that living “in the moment” is more important than worrying about the future, but people who are future-oriented, that is to say, people who make decisions based on future payoffs, are far more likely to be successful. Future-oriented people aren’t afraid to make short-term sacrifices if it means a long-term gain, and they aren’t tempted to engage in momentary pleasures that would rob them of some future payoff. Their future selves are the main priority.

3. Failure isn’t a bad thing.

The fear of failure permeates our society and it leads millions to live their lives in complacency. For example, you’re working in a job you hate with a pay and advancement ceiling. You have the option to quit and start your own business, but you’re so afraid of failing that you never give it a real shot. Failure is always a possibility and as a society we need to stop decrying it. Successful people see failure as a necessary step of the process and a valuable learning opportunity. Moreover, few plans are executed smoothly—how you handle them when they go wrong is more important than when they go right.

4. Opportunities exist everywhere.

Opportunities arise when you least expect them. They may take the form of hidden strengths in an idea you were about to toss, or a potential partnership with a stranger you met in a coffee shop. When you adopt the mindset that opportunities truly exist everywhere, in every moment of every day, you’ll be on the lookout for them. By that virtue alone, you’ll discover more opportunities for yourself, and you’ll end up earning far more value in your life.

5. Calculated risks are important.

Risks are scary, but without them, there’s substantially less room to grow. Studies suggest that the wealthiest, most successful professionals of our time are ones who weren’t afraid to take a calculated risk—they went against the grain, gambled on an idea they thought was worth the investment and weren’t afraid to stake possible sacrifices. If you aren’t taking any risks, you aren’t making the move toward possible rewards, and, of course, without the rewards, you’ll never get anywhere.

6. Consistency is good, until it becomes prohibitive.

This is a complicated mental state to try and achieve, but it’s an important one. For the most part, consistency is incredibly important. For example, if one of your goals is to accrue wealth through investments, you have to invest a certain amount of money every month or you’ll lose momentum. However, there’s a point at which consistency does more harm than good—when it starts to lead you down the wrong path, such as when you’ve developed a bad habit or an unproductive routine. It’s hard to spot when these “bad” kinds of consistency crop up, but you’ll need to closely watch for them.

7. Nothing is ever perfect.

Accepting the reality that nothing is perfect helps you in countless areas. You won’t be as worried about taking risks. You won’t be as hesitant about starting a new project. You won’t be as deterred when something goes wrong, or when you overlooked a major flaw. You won’t find yourself perpetually waiting for the “perfect” time to launch a product, and you won’t abandon your goals just because you didn’t achieve them in the way you first expected.
It’s not easy to achieve these mentalities. Don’t expect to adopt them instantaneously. You’ll most likely have a hard time accepting some of them, especially if they conflict with your inherent and learned views of the world. But if you can slowly integrate them into your ongoing mental state and accept their maxims as truth, you’ll start making better decisions and forming habits that will one day lead you to the success you’ve always dreamed of. Remain patient and never stop moving forward.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

10 Regrets You Do Not Want To Have 10 Years From Now

We’re often so wrapped up in daily stresses and concerns that we miss the bigger picture. We might rarely stop to really think about what we want, and this can put us on a path to regret and sadness before we even realize it.
Consequently, it’s well worth spending some time considering what we don’t want our lives to look like, with a view to creating a beautiful existence that brings satisfaction every day.
Here are ten major regrets you do not want to have ten years from now, along with tips that will help you avoid them.

1. Not Taking Action On Meaningful Goals

If you’ve got dreams and goals, don’t waste time putting them off or you’ll end up wasting all of your potential. There’s a lot of truth to the famous cliché that you “only regret things you don’t do.” Decide what you want to achieve, then start making a plan that will help you get there. With the right attitude and a truckload of determination, you can manifest absolutely anything you want in life.
So what is holding you back right now? What is holding you back from manifesting your dream life?
It can be fear of failure, it can be negative influence, it can be lack of motivation…  Whatever the reason, it is important to find it, and then take steps to eliminate it.
2. Letting Others Create Your Dreams For You
On a related note, you’re virtually guaranteed to feel regretful ten years down the line if you let others dictate how you should behave and what you should want. While family members, friends and society more broadly can put a huge amount of pressure on us to be a certain way, do your best to push past that influence and live in a way that’s congruent with your deepest values and desires.
A good place to start is asking yourself these 3 questions:
  • What does truly make you happy? Activities, people, hobbies etc. Write down everything you can think of. Also, try to imagine your perfect day (or week, if you can), what would it be like?
  • What bothers you? On the other hand, you need to be clear about what makes you unhappy. Be honest with yourself, you don’t need to pretend you’re happy with something if you’re not.
  • What do you really need? Sit down and think about what you can not live without. This is the time to be realistic about the things that are actually important to you. Family? Love? Financial security? Be clear and specific about what you need. For example, you may not need a million dollars to live your dream life. Figure out how much you actually need to live the lifestyle you want.

3. Spending Too Little Time With The Right People

No matter why you struggle to make time for the people who inspire love and excitement in you, there’s bound to be something you can do to fix this. Look at where you can cut out unnecessary commitments or boring habits from your life, and use those moments to connect and reconnect with the ones who bring light into your life.

4. Staying In A Toxic Relationship For Too Long

Just as it’s important to spend time with the right people, it’s equally urgent to cut toxic relationships out of your life. Whether you’re in an abusive romantic relationship or sticking with a friend who only drags you down, it’s time to think about how you can get out of this situation and move towards bonds that nurture you.

5. Settling For Less Than You’re Capable Of

You might have a loud inner critic—a voice that tells you that you’re not good enough to get what you want, or that it’s not “safe” to try anything new. However, consider where this voice is coming from (often negative experiences in childhood), and try to replace those outdated and limiting beliefs with the positive conviction that you can do anything you put your mind to. Don’t settle for less!

6. Letting Impatience Dominate Your Decisions and Actions

When you feel impatience or frustration welling up inside you, take a deep breath or deliberately engage in a mindfulness exercise that slows your thoughts. You’ll live to regret snap decisions made without proper thought.

7. Collecting More Excuses Than You Can Count

It’s easy to put things off, telling yourself you can’t do them right now. This allows you to believe you’re still pursuing your aims, but stops you from having to put in the hard work or summoning the bravery to actually go after those goals. Learn to flag excuses when you have to make them, and call yourself out for using unhelpful defense mechanisms.

8. Wearing A Mask To Impress Others

We all want to be liked, but there’s very little genuine satisfaction in being appreciated for a fake self that you merely project in order to please others. It’s far better to live an authentic life, showing your true colors and accepting that the right people will love and accept you.
While there will always be subtle variations in your presentation (e.g. you might be slightly different at work than at home), don’t waste your life being fake—it’s a recipe for isolation, boredom and regret.

9. Worrying Way Too Much About Stuff That Doesn’t Matter

Sure, it might feel important right now to worry about what you’re going to wear to a particular event or to get bent out of shape because of someone who was rude to you on the train, but in the long run these things don’t really matter.
Try to let go of minor annoyances and anxieties as they arrive, accepting them but then moving through them. If you’re not sure whether you should devote your attention to something, ask yourself the following: will you really care about this issue in ten years?

10. Avoiding Change And Growth

Finally, personal growth isn’t always comfortable, but you’ll end up living in persistent regret if you deliberately ignore chances to evolve as a person. Work to free yourself from the baggage of your past, look for ways to move out of your comfort zone, and embrace the life-long challenge of learning!

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

5 Habits for a Healthier Brain (and Life)

May 21, 2015
I started having seizures when I was around 5—the kind of seizures you see in the movies: fall-flat-on-the-ground-shaking-like-you’re-electrocuted-eyes-rolling-to-the-top-of-your-head seizures. These kind of seizures are now called tonic-clonic seizures, but when I was a little girl, they were called “grand mal” seizures, which means “the big bad.” Perhaps they changed the name because calling something “the big bad” isn’t very hopeful for patients. No one is really sure why I started to have them, but it made me curious at an early age to figure out how this mushy mass inside our skull works.
So I started to study neuroscience after I had an EEG (electroencephalogram) at age 11. They stuck hundreds of little wires with glue-like substance onto my scalp. I looked like an alien child from the sci-fi novel Dune—but it led me to wonder: What are they measuring? Why? and How can I control these things called brain waves and electrical pulses? As you can imagine, it’s scary to have one of those deathlike seizures and think you have no control over them. That’s when science became my savior. I later discovered that these seizures could possibly be controlled without mind-numbing-zombie-behavior-inducing medication. At age 15, without my doctor’s or parents’ knowledge, I stopped taking that medication and haven’t been on it since.
Along the way to earning my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, participating in neuroscientific studies and working at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, I learned how we can all expand the capacity of our brain, not only to self-heal, but also to grow in ways we never imagined were possible.
So I’ve gathered my five top habits for neurological growth. These habits have eliminated those kinds of seizures for me. I still need to be careful—breaking my good habits will indeed have consequences. But in the last 25 years, I’ve only had two tonic-clonic seizures.
For you, these habits will reduce your stress significantly, increase your brain’s gray matter, tap into your subconscious mind for problem solving and reveal incredible potential.
Here are five daily habits that you can incorporate into your routine, starting today:

1. Sleep to reduce stress.

Ever wonder what happens to all of the stress we accumulate during the day? That car that almost hit you? Your child screaming at you? Even the unconscious stress of self-judgment? Where does it go?
Your beautiful brain collects it and saves it for when you dream to process away. Let me repeat: When you sleep, you process stress and trauma. So, one of the simplest and most effective things you can do is to get your full seven to nine hours of shut-eye each and every day.

2. Rise with the sun.

Your brain uses a cluster of nerve cells called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, located in your hypothalamus to regulate something called “circadian rhythm.” Circadian rhythm is the “master clock” in your brain that syncs all your body’s clocks. Abnormal circadian rhythm is associated with obesity, diabetes, depression, sleep disorders, hormone dysregulation, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder.
In other words, wake up when the sun does—no more sleeping in! If you are a parent, this habit will come naturally as most kids naturally wake with the sun and are happy to be your alarm clock.

3. Take fish oil.

Fish oil has positive benefits on brain health. My kids go for the hard-core fermented cod liver stuff, and somehow we’ve apparently cemented this into them so well over the years that they ask for it daily although it tastes awful. They take it by the spoonful, but you can also get it in capsule form, which has a pleasant lemon aftertaste.

4. Be mindful and meditate.

Meditation taps into your subconscious mind (just below consciousness) and has innumerable neurological benefits. Not sure how to be mindful on an everyday basis and want an easy way to meditate? I like Headspace—it’s like a “gym membership” for your mind. With its meditation and mindfulness techniques, you can train your mind for a happier, healthier, more enjoyable life.

5. Make yourself uncomfortable.

Your brain needs novelty to grow. How do you know when you’re doing something that’s “new enough”? When it feels uncomfortable, awkward, weird, strange or it scares you. By doing things daily that are out of your comfort zone, you allow your brain to develop new branches on its neuron tree (also called dendritic pathways) instead of shriveling up into a sad dried out tree stump.
Truth be told, I could write a book on this, and I live my entire life around this premise. And although there are many more habits I’d like to see you develop, start with these. After all, can you imagine how incredible it would be if we all lived to our potential?

Monday, 12 December 2016

7 Point Formula For Wealth, Happiness, And Financial Freedom

One goal that we all have in common is that we all want to make more money.
However, only a small percentage of us actually achieve the financial freedom we long for…
We all want to have enough money so that we never have to worry about money again. The only question is, “Are you ready to do it or not?”
The good news is that there are more people achieving financial freedom faster today than ever before. Through proper financial planning and making it a goal to improve your personal finances, you can become one of them too.

Will More Money Make You Happy?

There is also the question of whether or not having more money will make you a happier person.
According to my good friend John Assaraf and the leading neuroscience research, it can.
Here is a seven-point formula that you can use to help accumulate wealth, become happier, and achieve financial freedom in the years ahead.

1. Begin To Think Positively About Money

Part of becoming rich involves thinking positively about money.
Thinking negatively about money is an emotional obstacle that you must eliminate in order to achieve financial freedom. You must eliminate the thoughts that having more money leads to evil or that money can’t buy you happiness.
When you begin thinking positively about money, you will attract opportunities and open up more doors than you ever thought possible.

2. Rewrite Your Major Goals For Financial Freedom

Set financial goals for yourself.
Rewrite and review your goals on paper every day and think of how you could accomplish them. This will take you between five and ten minutes. The very act of writing and rewriting your goals, and thinking about them each morning before you start off, will increase your chances of accomplishing them.

3. Plan Every Day In Advance

Plan every day in advance. The best time to do this is the night before.
The very act of planning each day, each week, and each month in advance will make you far sharper and more precise at everything you do. You will find yourself with better focus and a greater sense of self-control and personal power when you work from a list.
When you plan every day in advance you will be better able to control and track your spending habits as well. Plan how much you have to spend for the week, the month, the year and decide where you will be able to save.

4. The Principle Of Concentration

Concentrate single-mindedly, every hour of every day, on the most valuable use of your time.
The principle of concentration is absolutely essential to achieve financial freedom. Virtually everything you do in terms of goal setting and financial planning is aimed at enabling you to determine the one or two things that you should concentrate on more than anything else.
Your ability to develop the habit of concentration will do more to ensure your personal finance success than perhaps any other skill or habit you can acquire.
The things you focus the most on and spend the most time doing should be in direct alignment with your financial goals. Spend your time focused on what will make you the most money.

5. Invest In Yourself

Listen to audio programs in your car. The average person spends 500 to 1,000 hours per year behind the wheel. By turning your car into a university on wheels, you can become one of the most knowledgeable and most skilled people in your profession.
Purchase courses on money management, read books on personal finance, and find articles online about money.
Very soon you will have so much knowledge in the area of money that people will come to you for advice.

6. Ask Yourself These Magic Questions

Ask yourself the two “Magic Questions” after every meeting and every event of importance in your life. The first question is, “What did I do right?” And the second question is, “What would I do differently, next time?”
By reviewing your performance immediately after every meeting, sales call, and presentation, you will become better and better, faster than you can imagine.
The answers to both of these questions are positive.
By reviewing what you did right and what you would do differently next time, you program into your mind a predisposition to be even better the next time out.
If you take a few minutes and write down everything you did right and everything you would do differently immediately after a call or presentation, you can double and triple the speed at which you learn and grow and improve in your work.
Improving yourself and your quality of work will, in effect, improve the money you make.

7. Be Generous To Others

The final point is to treat everyone you meet like a million-dollar customer. Treat every single person, at home and at work, as if they were the most important person in the world.
Since everybody believes that he or she is the most important person in the world, when you treat them as if they were, they appreciate your recognition and acknowledgment more than you can imagine.
It is a proven fact that being a more generous person will help you attract more wealth and become a happier person.
We’ve often heard it said, ‘money doesn’t buy happiness’.
But, the truth is that:
  • Money is essential to happiness.
  • Material prosperity predicts life satisfaction,
  • And the more economic status we achieve, the more we’ll feel satisfied with our life.
Not only do our measurements of happiness rise as our income rises, so does our sense of well-being and life satisfaction.
So, by choosing to focus on money goals that motivate you, while also embedding a positive mindset towards money, towards yourself, and life in general, you will help to achieve both increased wealth and happiness.
And when you get there – evidence clearly shows us that being generous with our money makes us happier – and richer!


Friday, 9 December 2016

7 Signs The Law Of Attraction Is Working For You

7 Signs The Law Of Attraction Is Working For You
While you might immediately think that it’s obvious when the Law of Attraction is working for you, those with years of experience in manifesting, note that the process is often so much more subtle than you might first suppose.
If you’re waiting for your dreams to manifest, look out for the following seven common and reassuring signs that the universe is on the verge of delivering what you want.

1) Enhanced Intuition

When your intuition is sharpening, you know it. For example, you might say something in unison with someone else (or even know what they’ll say before they speak), or you might just get the sense that a particular person is about to contact you right before they do.
Intuition can be very powerful, and it’s so important to follow it when it strikes. These types of experiences all tell you that the frequency of your reality is beginning to accelerate, and that you’re on the path to manifesting your intentions.
It can even be a little bit scary sometimes, but don’t let this stop you. You’re so close to getting what you want, just follow your heart and don’t let anything stand in your way.

2) Seeing the Numbers 111 or 11:11

According to numerology experts, so-called “Angel numbers” 111, 1111 and 11:11 are all said to indicate that things in your life are aligning beautifully and flowing in the right direction.
You might notice these numbers in all kinds of places—on your clock, on the license plates of passing cars, on buildings you visit or even as part of your grocery bill.
Regardless of where they appear, know they could well be an encouraging sign that the Law of Attraction is working for you and that you’re progressively becoming more competent at creating your own reality.

a-report-on-when-and-how-you-1TIP: Want A More Detailed Explanation? 

If you want to know when and how you (personally) will manifest your dream, you can get a FREE personalized forecast here.
Just take the 30-second test and you will get a report measuring the speed of your success. It’s a great little tool for anyone interested in where they are on the manifestation scale.
You’ll also get access to a training from The Law Of Attraction guru Bob Doyle – this is your chance to learn how to boost your manifestation skills and achieve your goals quicker. Give it a go right now!

3) Better Sleep, and Deeper Dreams

When you’re learning how to use the Law of Attraction to its full potential, you become very trusting of the universe. A natural result is better, more restful sleep that leaves you feeling energetic and refreshed.
In addition, you’ll likely find that your dreams take on a newly realistic quality, and that they’re both positive and peaceful in nature. Your subconscious responds to your deliberate choice to go for love over fear, and to the reduction in anxiety that comes with self-care.
So, if you’re enjoying vivid, wonderful dreams and long nights of blissful rest, your manifestation potential is definitely heightening.

4) The Appearance of Spirit Guides

Are there certain animals or totems that mean something special to you? Perhaps you tend to connect a particular type of bird with feelings of happiness, or maybe past experiences have led you to view an object like a white feather or a heart-shaped stone as a personal sign.
When you’re vibrating at a high frequency and the Law of Attraction is working well for you, you’ll tend to see more of these spirit guide animals or items—they let you know you’re on the right path. If you don’t think you have a spirit guide, consider researching a meditation that can help you connect with a symbol of your intentions.

5) More Money Comes Your Way

Your natural state is actually one of abundance, and the universe wants this for you. As a result, when you’re moving towards a successful manifestation you may often find that you encounter more and more money in unexpected places.
The process typically starts in small ways (think finding money in an unexpected pocket, on the street or down the side of the sofa), but—depending on your intentions—you can start encountering large sums as well (e.g. through gifts, inheritances or lucky wins).
No matter whether you find big or small amounts of cash, be sure to sit and contemplate your gratitude, as this will only help you attract more good things to your life.

6) Seeing Rainbows

People often tell stories of seeing a rainbow on the day they met their soul mate or got their dream job—and sometimes, a rainbow inexplicably shows up on another related day (such as the day of your wedding). In general, rainbows are said to represent complete clarity, and are rumoured to be a source of magical energy.
Regardless of whether you believe that, rainbows are certainly capable of boosting your mood and focusing your mind on positivity—as you gaze in awe at the stunning beauty of a rainbow, your vibration heightens and you’re more apt to attract the things you desire.

7) Increased Synchronicity

Finally, one of the clearest signs that the Law of Attraction is working for you is a marked increase in synchronicity. This can come in all kinds of forms.
For example, you might start meeting more and more people who can help you on your way to love, success, financial abundance or greater happiness, and you might marvel at how the next steps towards manifestation seem to be naturally unfolding before you. Trust these opportunities, and grab as many of them as you can!

 Source :

Thursday, 8 December 2016

8 Traits You Need to Be Successful (Your IQ Isn't One of Them)

8 Traits You Need to Be Successful (Your IQ Isn't One of Them)

According to research, personality traits are more accurate predictors of success than actual intelligence levels.

February 25, 2016

Is it possible that intelligence is overrated? Although a natural touch for acquiring and making sense of knowledge is undoubtedly a valuable trait in our professional and personal lives, research has shown that there are far more important factors at play when it comes to succeeding at our goals and duties. In fact, the Carnegie Institute of Technology claims that 85 percent of financial success can be attributed to people skills rather than raw brain power. And it makes sense that people prefer to do business with those they trust.
Elsewhere, Dr. Arthur E. Poropat identified five personality traits which—taking intelligence levels into account—can be shown to improve test results. Studying is of course recommended, but conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, extraversion and emotional stability can also pay off with higher grades.
In the workplace, team-thinking and personal development should be key priorities, not afterthoughts to acquiring technical knowledge. Emotional awareness toward yourself, your colleagues and your clients sits at the core of an effective professional development strategy. In order to do that you need to do two things:
Know yourself. Manage your emotions, identify potential areas of improvement through training or research, take failure or mistakes as lessons and aim to grow.
Know others. Listen for their ideas and needs, work with these in mind even if you disagree with them, let your teammates and your customers see your passion.
Curiosity is a vastly underrated attribute that brings understanding, widens horizons and encourages fellowship. Taking time to study and develop the personality traits highlighted in the infographic below is a good sign in itself: These so-called "soft skills" are in fact fundamental to thriving in the business world. An open mind is endlessly more valuable than one rigidly stuffed with facts and unable to adapt to circumstances.
8 Things That are More Important for Success Than Intelligence

Monday, 5 December 2016

The Magical 1% Rule: How To Manifest Something Right Now

The Magical 1% Rule: How To Manifest Something Right Now
The magical 1% rule may not really be “magic” but it will feel like that once you learn it. Because it will become your personal breakthrough.
Your love life, your career, your financial situation, your self-belief – all of this will be transformed.
So allow me to share this “secret” with you.

But first, here’s a question for you (and you have only 3 seconds to answer!):

“You can either have a million dollars this very second or you can have a penny, but I will double it each day for the next 31 days. Which do you choose?”
Quick! Decide now or the one box slams shut forever!
So, what did you choose?
Of course, the vast majority probably took the safe one million. And it’s a completely normal human response to choose the “safer” option, especially if you are promised something as big as one million dollars.
But here is where most people are wrong. And in fact, this is why so many journeys to success fail.
The truth is that 1 penny doubled each day for 31 days is 10.7 million dollars.
So if you took the penny, you would’ve had 10 times more in just one month.
If this is a bit hard to grasp, here’s an illustration for you:

Interesting, huh?
This is, in fact, an absolutely stunning example of how your limiting beliefs can stop you from manifesting what you really want.
You may be thinking right now that because there are no great changes happening in your life, you are not moving anywhere. You’re probably getting depressed because of that and start giving up hope that things can get better. You might be doubting that you can achieve your dream at all.
But you have just learned a stunning example of unlimited potential, that you TOO have.
And the best part is that it’s not some airy-fairy concept. It’s literally science.
So take a minute to think about this again and digest this idea of quantum change.
Because this will truly change your life.
Commit to one tiny positive change every day.
One little habit. Just 1% of your big goal.
All you need to do is take your big dream, break it down into smaller goals, then take those goals and break them down even more. Then make an action plan for each of your tiny goals. One item from that action plan is that 1% change that you need to commit to.
If you do, you will feel the difference very soon. Even in just a couple of weeks you will be twice closer to your goal than you were before.
And, here’s the kicker:
In a year, your life can become approximately 70 thousand times better!!!
So start right now. You will thank yourself in a years time.
If you feel stuck and not sure where to start, there’s a great product called Manifestation Miracle that you can try.
It teaches you a system that is filled with life-changing strategies for every aspect of life.
It is a really a step-by-step guide that  will help you see the bigger picture, but also find the best place to start manifesting your dream.
It also includes an amazing collection of tools and exercises, each of which you can start using as your “1% a day challenge”.
This book will open your eyes, and you will see that…
…your possibilities are endless! 
And if this doesn’t inspire you (even though it definitely should), here is another fact for you.
In 1687, Sir Issac Newton described his 3 laws of motion, which are now the foundation of physics.
One of them says: “An object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force”.
Basically, objects at rest, stay at rest. In other words, nothing changes if nothing changes.
But the good news is that once something starts changing, it will continue changing. Once you make the shift, you will continue moving in that direction.
It’s just applying that force to start the movement that is difficult, after that- things become a habit and get easier.

Again, get started right now and it will be easier to stay in motion.
(By the way, this works in the opposite direction too. If you start doubting yourself and spreading negative vibes, you will continue down that spiral. And it is horrifying to think how that damage may be constantly growing).